Monday, March 04, 2013

It's time

After three years, i believe it is time to get back into the game and blog about my favorite things, experiences and what ever catches my fancy.
I have been meaning to go back to blogging but life (and kids) got in the way. I am now a full pledged working mom to two wonderful and super kulit kids.

So what's in store for me? I made a pledge that this will be a year for trying out new things. Being a wife and a mom to two adorable (and kulit) kids does not mean that i should miss out on the stuff that i used to love nor should it mean that i should stop from seeking out new things to experience.

I have been on a career "break" since november and my hubby suggested that since i have time on my hands (i.e. job not too stressful), i might as well return to blogging. Let's see if i could keep this blogging thing up (and have an update at least once a week).

Well, here goes nothing...

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