Friday, September 16, 2005

wet, wet friday

It has been raining non-stop since Wednesday night and being a commuter I find it a bit of a hassle to go to work. One sometimes arrives at work wet and shivering.

I was procrastinating this morning and even had the option to stay in bed the whole day. Alas, my conscience got the better of me, and so, I lazily got off my bed and prepared for work even if I know that I would be arriving a bit late at the office.

And now, there is nothing I would like more than to be in bed right now instead of being in the office. Hehehe. Things are a bit slow since it is Friday and I work at a government agency, so here I am writing something to keep me from sleeping. 

Is it just me, or does the colder weather makes people want to eat more? What are rainy day foods for me? Let me think, hmmm… arroz caldo, chicken soup, hot chocolate, popcorn, chippy, coke, cake, basta ang dami.

Reading a good book with some chips by your side is surely a treat … maybe I would do that later, or maybe I would have a bowl of puttanesca later.


Anonymous said...

thanks for leaving a note in my post. :)

sang government office ka?

sharima said...

I work at the DA, office of the Secretary. Ikaw, san office ka?


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