Thursday, April 28, 2005


A few days ago we had the full moon... as with every month, when ever I see the full moon, there are "events" that are most likely to happen:

1. I will be in "foul" mood... People near me will be subjected to my mood swings raging from extreme "katarayan" to being in my "leave me alone" moods to being prone to laugher. If I could draw my mood in a cartoon, I would be someone with a dark stormy cloud over her head. People who know me well, stay clear out of my path.

2. Being too sensitive to people around me and locking myself inside my room (ah the pleasure of solitude).

3. Lower back pains... a sure sign of PMS.

4. Craving for something sweet and salty... give me cake, ice cream, chips, and peanuts... lots of it!!

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