Monday, August 01, 2005

sick and tired

I haven't watched the news lately... I have gone to the habit of changing channels (thank God for cable!) when ever there is a "flash report" or the nightly news. I am just sick and tired of the daily "dirt" being hurled by the different camps, the weekly "surveys" and "expose", and the never ending Telenovela that is Philippine politics.

For once, I would like to wake up to a day where Good news is THE NEWS. Where Philippine economy is in the upswing and where Filipinos are praising each other instead of pulling each other down.

For once, I would like to wake up to a different culture of people "getting the better" of their fellow men. Where it is deemed great when people not just think about themselves but how they contribute to the community as a whole. Where they realize that their actions (whether it is small or not) is part of a greater picture.

I would like to wake up to a Philippines that is united in the sprit of making the economy strong instead of being united in plotting ways to over throw the administration and taking the ecomomy down with it.

Until then, let me be happy watching five queer guys make the world better one straight man at time. Let me stay in my bubble and dream that I won't wish to work and migrate to another country anymore.

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