Sunday, December 05, 2004

a way to de-stress

Feeling a bit stressed lately? Aside from talking to family and friends, and surrounding yourself with things that give you comfort; gazing at familiar faces, even in pictures, may help you feel less stressed.

According to, the look of a familiar face appears to soothe nerves and dampen the stress response, according to a new study. And finding the familiar face in a photograph produces the same effect. Spend time with friends and family when you're feeling stressed and keep photos on hand for times when they can't be near.

Keeping a picture of your family or love one in your wallet can do wonders. It can help you keep the stress at bay. Having close, loving relationships promotes health. Social ties provide people with coping mechanisms for stress. Unchecked stress levels may contribute to needless aging because stress has a physiological effect on the body that suppresses the immune system and puts certain systems into overdrive.

Research shows that people are often calmed by the presence of loved ones. Talking out your troubles with a close friend or family member can help assuage stress, too. If friends are not near, try keeping a journal or calling friends on the phone whenever you need to release your worries. Other ways to fight stress includes getting regular exercise, practicing some form of relaxation or meditation technique, eating a healthful diet, and spending time with family and friends. Praying also reduces stress.

This sunday, why don't you spend sometime with your family. Cook together, watch a movie or have that out of town trip that you have always wanted. Watching romantic movie scenes not only puts you in a romantic frame of mind, but it also may affect hormone levels in your body. A new study revealed that levels of progesterone, a hormone that promotes bonding and relaxation, were increased in both men and women while watching a romantic flick.

RealAge Benefit: Taking care of your emotional health and well-being can make your RealAge up to 16 years younger.

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