Wednesday, December 01, 2004

bahala na

Each country and culture is known for their certain characteristics. We Filipinos have always been known to be God fearing, friendly and with the ability to face problems and situations with a sense of joy and humor (with a touch of flexibility, and creativity). These characteristics are just some of the strengths of the Filipino character which also includes strong family orientation, hard work and the ability to survive.

It is ironic to note that many of the strong points are also the sources of weakness. Our faith in One God and religiosity are sources of strength and courage but they also lead to an external orientation that keeps us passive and dependent on forces outside ourselves. This concept can be best illustrated by the "bahala na" philosophy.

In belief, it is a very positive characteristic. "Bahala na" literally means Bathala na or putting one's faith in God or letting God take care of it. It gives a person hope and optimism to face problems and hardships in life as well as the good times too. (although it is known that people put their faith in God more during times of trials than exceptional times in their lives) It enables us to comprehend and accept reality in the context of God's plan. Thus, tragedy and bad fortune are accepted.

This positive character can be a source of weakness when taken to the extreme. We Filipinos believe in luck and good faith (this can be seen best in Quiapo where faith healers, fortune tellers and the faithful congregate the most). We sometimes forget that one has to work hard in order to achieve things. Prayer and hard work goes together and that is the way it should be. God gave us hands to pray but also to use for work.


Dr. Emer said...

"God gave us hands to pray but also to use for work," and the Filipino is busy using it for chopping trees and collecting bribes under the table. Sometimes, he even takes the table!

You can quote me on that.

sharima said...

Amen to that! Filipinos are a crazy society


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