Tuesday, November 09, 2004

positive outlook

I may be getting old(er) but i don't look my age. :)

An easy smile and a positive oulook can not only uplift the spirit, it does wonders for your appearance too.

According to realage.com Positive thinking may help older people remain physically active and strong, whereas a negative mental attitude may quickly lead to cognitive deterioration, a new study concluded. To see the glass as half full, spend time contemplating the good things in your life and try to avoid repeatedly mulling over negative experiences. It's RealAge Benefit: Taking care of your emotional health and well-being can make your RealAge up to 16 years younger.

Remember, it takes more facial muscles to frown than to smile. In fact, a scowl can contribute to more facial lines and wrinkles. A positive attitude, not only makes you prettier, it makes you younger too.

In fact the realage tip goes on to say: Positive thinking appears to boost health by enhancing immune system function. A positive disposition also may help people avoid mental conditions that have been associated with poor health choices, such as depression and anxiety. If you find yourself struggling to remain positive, consider writing your worries down and then promising to forget about them for the rest of the day. Return to your list when you have time to work on positive solutions to your problems. Also, finding enjoyable ways to pass your free time could give you less time to fret and more positive experiences to remember later on.

Now, wouldn't that make you want to start your day with a smile?

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