Tuesday, November 23, 2004

rainy days and monday

It has been raining steadily since Saturday, and try as I will, I can’t seem to shake the feeling that today, will be a lousy day. First of all, who would want to get out of a warm comfy bed and brave the traffic, rain and all the miserable souls who need to be in the office before 8am? Second, braving the rain means making more effort to get dressed so that one will not be completely drenched by the time one gets to the office, and third, wouldn’t it be better to just stay at home with a hot cup of chicken soup or hot chocolate reading a good book? What ever it is, it looks like this Monday will be terrible.

My prediction came true… traffic was bad, everyone in a foul mood, and to top it all, I was late for the first time in months! Things just couldn’t get any better! What will the day bring? Help!

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